
Università commerciale Luigi Bocconi (BWL)


Università commerciale Luigi Bocconi

Titel des Studiengangs





Februar - Juli 1999


Wirtschaftswissenschaften - BWL

Bewertung von






Ausstattung der Universität


Career Services


Qualität der Studienberatung


Qualität der Professoren


Erfahrungsbericht Zusammenfassung


I would do it again and in teh same way I did it. I recommend you to get in contact to people of the country you are visiting before you go. That will make it much more easy to get integrated not only in the community of exchange students but to get in touch with the people and the culture. Imagine you liked the place you go and you want come back, but you don´t meet nowbody, because all the people you have known are went away. When you come back to your home-country, care for the students that come from yout host university, that´s real exchange.


CEMS - The global alliance in management education

Die Hochschule

Studienbedingungen und Ausstattung der Hochschule

There was a lot of case studies and teamworks. Exams are twice a semester, that means continously learning. You cvan normally choose between a written and and oral exam. Most professors of italian courses accept solutions in english.

Bocconi is in camparison to what I know equipped very good.

Services und Angebote


Bocconi has a very good placement office. There were a lot of presentations of Corporate Partners and they were really interested in CEMS students.

Kosten und Gebühren

Don´t even want to know it. Change your living custums, caffé and pasta are cheaper, beer is much more expensive and worst. Be italian!


The exchane office organized some cultural events like for example a visit to the scala, museums, a concert of italian arias held by quite good tenors in a very old villa in teh center of Milan, normally not accessible for tourists. There is also a buddy-system. One time the week is an international party organized by the differnt universities of Milan.

Das Studienangebot

Weitere Einblicke


I went by train, it takes about 12 hours to get there from Cologne, but just like this you really feel that you have changed location. Surely you can also go by car, but not the newest one if you want to keep it. Moving in Italy by train is very cheap and the trains are not more irregulary than in Germany.

Das sollte man mitbringen

Mobile telephoning is much cheaper as in Germany, usually you use prepaid cards. You are Nobody if you are´nt "rintracciabile". Try to distinguish yourself in clothing from tourists visiting Italy, you are not on vacation.


The first months I stayed in an apartment with two itaklian guys which were friends of friend of mine. So if you are selected for an exchange, take use of the possibility to get to know some to some patriates which are currently on exchange on your universtity. Sometimes they can even provide you an accomodation. Later I lived in another appartment where another CEMS students and two nice italian girls lived. Student residences aren´t bad because it is an easy way to know a lot of people. The residences are all clean but not so cheap. You will have to pay at about 300 Euro.

Lustige Geschichte

Make your own experience and tell me about it, so I will tell you mine!

Interessante Information

You may contact the SEN (student exchange Network) Find their address on teh homepage


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