Erfahrungsbericht September 2017

Praktikant - QuintilesIMS Consulting Services

Zeitraum der Beschäftigung:
Juni - August 2017
2 Jahre
14400 €


The company is a great platform to develop core consulting skills and expertise in a dynamic and challenging industry. The workload may be challenging at times but colleagues are willing to lend a hand and the potential outside opportunities are a plus. Interested parties at the junior level should highlight their track records in teamwork and collaboration, analytical capabilities and an interest in life sciences.

Beschreibung der Arbeit

I was attached to a market understanding and opportunity assessment engagement for gene therapy treatments in seven rare diseases for an emerging biopharma company. The overall project goal was to evaluate the diseases from a commercial opportunity perspective across EU5 and US markets to inform the client's clinical development strategy and potential market entry sequence. As an intern, I was able to quickly transition into a full-time member, providing full support across research, analysis and presentation development activities throughout the engagement. For the primary and secondary market research portion, this included activities such as the development of discussion guides and transcription of interview findings. I also led several interviews with key opinion leaders across multiple diseases. For the analysis phase, I conducted preliminary disease evaluation for three diseases based on the team's defined criteria and was responsible for extending the initial disease scoring sheet into a client-ready tool. I also supported in the development of forecast assumptions (with client inputs) and review of forecast models which were developed by an offshore team. Throughout the engagement, I actively supported team analysis and slide creation for overall interim and final presentations, as well as other client meeting documents, while taking ownership for specific slides and/or sections. In parallel, I also supported the creation of a Launch Excellence workshop presentation, leveraging internal data tools and materials to create a tailored client presentation while also participating in client calls to adapt the workshop content based on client feedback.

Diese Persönlichkeit passt ins Unternehmen

As a consulting group with a life sciences focus, candidates possessing either management or scientific backgrounds would be suitable. Fluency in multiple European languages is also attractive due to the general market and geographic scope of engagements.

Beschreibung der Atmosphäre

The consulting team based in Munich is young, dynamic and collaborative. The work is fast paced and challenging but colleagues are helpful and willing to teach. The team is also very international and friendly.


Speed of promotion is performance-based and colleagues can progress quickly within the company or with other employers in consulting and/or life sciences due to the reputation and training offered in QI

Positiv am Arbeitgeber
Interesting and challenging work
Deep expertise in life sciences
International and young team
Negativ am Arbeitgeber
Work-life balance
Persönliche Entwicklung
Führungsstil & Kultur
Interessante Aufgaben

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