
Es wurden 34 Ergebnisse gefunden

University of Missouri - Columbia (International Business and Economics)

( University of Missouri) all exchange students had a introduction held my the university itself. So i can say in the end I knew more about everyhting there than

Tags: Englisch, Wirtschaftswissenschaften - BWL
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Frankfurt School of Finance & Management (BWL, VWL, Unternehmenskultur, Betriebswirtschaftslehre)

wirklich nicht (Eur 50/Monat). Meine Miete war DM 500 im Vergleich zu DM 300 in Caen für eine grössere Wohnung Wenn meine Eltern nicht da wäre, um mich ab

Tags: Erasmus, Deutsch, Englisch, Wirtschaftswissenschaften - BWL
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University of California, Santa Cruz (Wirtschaftswissenschaften)

want to go in Santa Cruz (about 35 US$). In Santa Cruz there is a bus network that is free for students, once you have your student card. You can buy

Tags: Englisch, Wirtschaftswissenschaften - BWL
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Université de Strasbourg (Spezialkurs "METIC")

you can bring your computer.

Tags: Englisch, Wirtschaftswissenschaften - BWL
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Maastricht University (Wirtschaftswissenschaften)

. Sometimes you can read about the strained relationship between Dutch and German people. On the personal level this is usually no problem. Try to get into

Tags: Dutch, Englisch, Wirtschaftswissenschaften - BWL
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Hitotsubashi University (Business Administration)

35.000 per month if you get a special scholarship from University you can apply for with inscription. ASK for the form as soon as you get there - you are

Tags: PIM Partnership in International Management, Japanese, Wirtschaftswissenschaften - BWL
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Università commerciale Luigi Bocconi (Media and Communications Management)

Go whenever you can. Most people that have lived in this city love it very much afterwards. People that only visited it are often disappointed. It's

Tags: CEMS - The global alliance in management education, Englisch, Italian, Medien- Kommunikationswissenschaften
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NHH Norges Handelshøyskole (Business Management)

US$ 250 a month. It is hard to get credits for foreign exams in Cologne, but you can always try. Contact the international office in Bergen for info

Tags: CEMS - The global alliance in management education, Englisch, Wirtschaftswissenschaften - BWL
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Università commerciale Luigi Bocconi (BWL)

exchange on your universtity. Sometimes they can even provide you an accomodation. Later I lived in another appartment where another CEMS students and two

Tags: CEMS - The global alliance in management education, Englisch, Italian, Wirtschaftswissenschaften - BWL
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ESADE Ramon Llull University (Business - Finance)

great and taxis (in the early morning hours) Clothing - people dress better in Spain than in Can/US (ie: jeans shorts will create stares around town

Tags: Wirtschaftswissenschaften - BWL, PIM Partnership in International Management
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