
Es wurden 15 Ergebnisse gefunden
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Henkel (International Brand Management)

very nice. Everything was A - leadership - communication skills - teamwork Work day: 8:30 - 18 or even longer (some days till 21), but the projects were

Tags: Konsumgüterindustrie
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Hochschule Ulm (Wirtschaftsingenierwesen Schwerpunkt Produktion)

sind ein "nice to know" aber nicht wirklich sinnvoll für den späteren Verlauf in der Arbeitswelt. Es ist eine Studentenschaft vorhanden. Es gibt Partys

Tags: Hochschule Ulm, Ingenieurwissenschaften, Bachelor
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C▪H▪Reynolds (Corporate Finance M&A)

in verschiedenen Branchen sind nice to have. Start um 0900 je nach Anzahl der laufenden Pitches geht die Arbeitszeit bis 2300 oder länger. Tagesgeschäft ist Research

Tags: Finance - Finanzdienstleistungen
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Daimler (Strategischer Einkauf)

-4 Lieferantenbesuche während des sechsmonatigen Praktikums, überwiegend im Raum Stuttgart. War nice! - Marktanalyse für Abteilungsleiter

Tags: Automobilindustrie, Daimler
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Maastricht University (Wirtschaftswissenschaften)

stuff, but if you want to spend a fortune on clothing or antiques that's possible too. Outside of Maastricht in Belgium, which was nice because of the

Tags: Dutch, Englisch, Wirtschaftswissenschaften - BWL
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Siemens (EWSD Controlling Siemens ICN USA)

and is in deed a very nice person. It was a great experience! Apart from the unique location of Boca in between the Palm Beaches and Ft. Lauderdale, the

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United Nations (Finance and Budget Section UN Wien)

little training and worked with their accounting system called IMIS. My supervisors there were very friendly and nice, and whever I had a problem, they

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Lego (Regional H.Q. for Asia Pacific located in Singapore)

, there is a lot of activity, but there is no back-stabbing - its is a nice place to work. Responsible for the Implementation of the LEGO Truckshow Asia

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Università commerciale Luigi Bocconi (Business Administration)

room was around LIT 600.000. It was a beautiful appartment with a nice kitchen and living room (with a washing mashine) and fairly cosy. pretty good

Tags: CEMS - The global alliance in management education, Englisch, Italian, Wirtschaftswissenschaften - BWL
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Università commerciale Luigi Bocconi (BWL)

nice italian girls lived. Student residences aren´t bad because it is an easy way to know a lot of people. The residences are all clean but not so cheap

Tags: CEMS - The global alliance in management education, Englisch, Italian, Wirtschaftswissenschaften - BWL
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Hitotsubashi University (Business Administration)

your telephone habits best and you are set. Japanese mobiles are also a nice souvenir when you get back home !! There are lot of stories and we had a lot

Tags: PIM Partnership in International Management, Japanese, Wirtschaftswissenschaften - BWL
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Universität zu Köln/University of Cologne (Business Administration)

was not so nice as the students, although their behavior was mostly correct. However, it was difficult to contact them, because the office was opened just a

Tags: CEMS - The global alliance in management education, Deutsch, Englisch, Wirtschaftswissenschaften - BWL
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